• The day you setup the service with us, we created a new “Master Congiguration” event in Dialpine Calendar
  • Edit this event to reveal all the Dialpine Congigurations and edit accordingly.

  • Change “sStoreName”: “Office Of So and So”, with your office name
  • example :
  • “sStoreName”: “Office Of Sams Physical Therapy”,

  • Change — “startTime”: “08:00” — with the time you want your first booking to start
  • Change — “iMinimumWorkHours”: 10, — with the time you want your first booking to end
  • example :
  • A Start time of 8 and Minimum Work hours of 10 mean, your last booking shall end at 6 pm

  • After we play your office greeting, we ask the person “Press 1 for English, 2 for Other Languages”
  • Change — “OperatorLangs”: “Other Languages”, —
  • Example : Change “Other Languages” to “Spanish”,
  • You would also need to chnage the Operator Number
  • Change — “OperatorNumber”: “+13105551231”, — : Put your full Office number here so that Dialping can forward these calls.

  • Dialpine allows your to have more patients in office than there are doctors.
  • Example : You may have 5 rooms and 3 doctors.
  • These two settings give you the flexibility needed to configure bookings accordingly.
  • “overlappSlots”: 3,
  • “overlappSlotsFacility”: 5,
  • Dialpine - out of the box - will allow 3 new bookings to start at the top of the hour
  • However, it will also ensure there are never more that 5 patients occupying the rooms
  • This is helpful when a doctor might spend 1 hour with the patient but keep the patient on Traction for 30mins to 60mins extra. In this case a room is still occupied but doctor is open to see other patients.

  • Dialpine assigns every patient “patcode”, aka Patient Codes
  • Every new patient is assigned a patcode of 0. This is visible and editable in Google Contact.
  • Dialpine will ensure that at any given appointment time, there is only one patient with “patcode” of 0
  • Dialpine also provides flexibilty that certain patients should always be seen by Sr. Doctor.
  • To do so, your office will have to assign these patients with “patcode” of 5 in Google Contact.
  • Dialpine is smart, it will always ensure that only one “New Patient” or “Serious Condition Patient” is give the same appointment.

  • “blackListNumCommaSep” : “+13105551232,+13105551233” :: Edit this to add certain number that Dialpine should block from ever reaching your operator or making bookings.
  • “firstTimeCallerToOperator” : false :: Change this to true if you want the first call to always come to operator. This is helpful if you want to talk to these customers first.
  • “sendNonApprovedToOperator”: false, :: By default, Dialpine will allow call all callers to make a booking. If you ONLY want “Approved” callers to make a booking, then change this to true. This ads an additonal step where in your office staff will have to open the Google Contact of the caller and set the “auto_approved” flag to “yes”. This is helpful if your office wants to approve certain patients after verifying their insurance.
  • “slotDurationInMins”: 30, :: Default appointment time for the caller ( you can chnage this in Google Contacts)
  • “daysAheadAllowed”: 30, :: How many days of your calendar is open for Dialpine controller bookings.
  • “insuranceCheckNeeded”: false, :: Change this to true in case you want to ask a caller “If your insurance has changed” at regular intervals. Use below setting to change how long to wait before asking.
  • “insuranceCheckReminderDays”: 30, :: Use this to in conjunction with above setting.